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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 2012-10-17
Meeting Minutes 
Planning Board  
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Newbury Town Hall

Members Present:   Kathleen Pearson, Chair; Linda McCamic; John O’Connell; David Powell; John Weis
Staff Present:           Martha Taylor, Town Planner

Chairman Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
A.      Meeting Minutes:

Review of minutes was postponed to the next meeting.

B.      24-28 Rolfes Lane/Wilshire Road Subdivision:

Steve Sawyer of Design Consultants, Inc. appeared before the Board to submit the revised stormwater system redesign.  He informed the Board that the Open Space Management Plan has been completed and will be delivered to the Town Planner.

C.      Marsh Meadow:

D. Powell noted that in the process of revising the Preservation Restriction, he has reviewed the OSRD Special Permit and found some inconsistencies and errors which should be corrected.  He and M. Taylor will follow up with Town Counsel to discuss the process for amending an OSRD Special Permit.

D.      Public Hearing Continuation – Site Plan Review for 101 Newburyport Turnpike, ERA Equipment:

Kathleen Pearson, Chair, opened the continuation of the public hearing to consider the Site Plan Review application of ERA Equipment/Angelo Ciardiello for a proposed contractor’s building at 101 Newburyport Turnpike (Route 1).  In attendance were Angelo Ciardiello, the applicant, and his engineer, Alan Roscoe of Hancock Associates.  Mr. Roscoe reported that the Conservation Commission had granted approval with conditions and that the Health Agent had informed him that the Board of Health had approved the septic system plan.  The Board requested written confirmation of the Board of Health’s approval.

Mr. Roscoe submitted revised drawings and noted that all of the review engineer’s comments had been addressed except those regarding soils and groundwater.  Mr. Roscoe asserted that the design was consistent with the soil conditions found on the site last December, when 10 to 12 test pits were dug, and that those pits were representative of the site as a whole.  Regarding some specific comments from the review engineer, he noted that:  1) at the site of the proposed building there is a subsurface ledge deposit; 2) no ground water was documented because they hit ledge first; 3) the design does not count on the site for infiltration; 4) the above-surface stormwater system components will be constructed at grade; 5) a 2’ groundwater separation is needed only with infiltration components and there is only one small area with infiltration.

J. O’Connell suggested that the two engineers meet to go over the design in person to resolve the outstanding issues regarding the soils.  He explained that the stormwater design is very important to the Board and to him personally because of the NPDES General Permit – he wants to make sure that the Town is “bullet-proof” in terms of the design, since it will be subject to audit for compliance with the requirements of the General Permit.  A. Roscoe noted that the site is not in an MS-4.  However, it is across Route 1 from an MS-4, which it drains into, and will involve disturbance of over an acre.

J. O’Connell then noted that outdoor storage of materials has crept into the narrative and that this was not addressed with the Conservation Commission.  He asked how siltation will be dealt with.  A. Roscoe replied that outdoor storage will be limited to an area around the cell tower 25’ from the wetlands.  D. Powell asked if the Town has any standards for storage in relation to wetlands and noted that the storage is closer to the wetlands than anything else on the site.  J. O’Connell observed that the area designated for storage is relatively flat and might not be much of an issue.

The discussion turned to the lighting plan.  A. Roscoe said that there will be square double-headed and single-headed building-mounted and pole-mounted lights.

J. Weis then asked to talk about the landscape plan.  A. Roscoe noted that Joe Serwatka, the Board’s review engineer, had commented on some tweaks that were needed and recommended moving the birches out of the detention basin.  Mr. Serwatka had also mentioned that the parking bay did not match what was shown on the site plan.  J. Weis said that he would like to soften the street side of the site.  A. Roscoe described the proposal, saying that the stone wall will be 200’ long and 7’ high, with ivy growing on it and a guard rail on the top.  People driving by on Route 1 will see the stone wall and part of the building.  J. Weis requested that the applicant provide an elevation and/or cross section of the site to illustrate what will be seen from Route 1.

Access by fire apparatus was discussed.  A. Roscoe noted that the driveway has been designed to accommodate 18-wheelers, so does not believe fire trucks should have any issues accessing the site.  M. Taylor is to follow up with the Fire Department to confirm.  No flammables are being stored on site.

The items to be addressed before the Board can approve the SPR application are:
  • Erosion control and siltation
  • Bond for the work to be done on Sled Road
  • Revised landscape plan and elevation/profile through the site
  • Resolution of the stormwater design
  • Fire Department review
The schedule was discussed.   A. Roscoe noted that the current owner would like to close on the property by the end of November.  There is a 30-day appeal period once the decision is filed with the Town Clerk.

The Board agreed to hold a special off-schedule meeting for the continuation of the public hearing.

Motion:  A motion was made by L. McCamic and seconded by J. Weis to continue the public hearing on the 101 Newburyport Turnpike Site Plan Review application to Tuesday, October 30, at 9:00 a.m. at Town Hall.  The motion passed unanimously.

E.      Caldwell Farm Trail:

D. Powell provided an update on discussions regarding establishment of a public trail at Caldwell Farm.  He is working to organize a meeting with interested parties

F.      Update of Subdivision Rules and Regulations and Stormwater Regulations:

J. O’Connell reported that he is having the Stormwater Regulations re-typed to incorporate comments and edits made to date and requested that the Board members forward any additional comments to him.

G.      Special Town Meeting:

The Board discussed the presentations to be made at the October Special Town meeting for the articles on the proposed zoning amendments and the acceptance of Colby Lane.

H.      November 21, 2012 Meeting:

Motion:  A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic to cancel the November 21, 2012 Planning Board meeting due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  The motion passed unanimously.

I.      Route 1 Corridor:
In connection with her graduate school project, K. Pearson reported on the 10/17/12 meeting between~the Newburyport Water Commission and the Town of Newbury (K. Pearson, Chair of the Planning Board; J. Story, Chair of the Board of Selectmen; Tracy Blais, Town~Administrator) regarding the possibility of obtaining municipal water for a portion of Route 1 within the Business and Light Industrial District.~ The Board discussed holding a meeting with property owners in the Business & Light Industrial District on Route 1 regarding uses and potential development.

On a motion made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Taylor
Town Planner